24 January, 2011

Week Forty Nine: How About Those Resolutions?

We are a few weeks into the new year - how are those resolutions are going?  So many people are against making New Year's resolutions.  I'm not one of them and I hope you're not either.  It is important to be able to set goals and hold ourselves accountable in order to evolve.  "Life is about movement," a friend recently commented.  Yes, life is about movement and moving forward is so much cooler and more rewarding than regressing and moving backward. But let's face it, we all regress from time to time, like maybe now, with our new year's resolutions.
So, now what?  Well, we can wallow in our guilt and disgust with our inability to stay on track with our goals.  Yes, that's easy, we can do that.  Or, we can start over - today, right now, this minute.  As difficult as this may seem, we can do it.  We need to do it.  We don't need to wait until next year, or the first of the month, or a certain day of the week.  We need to do it right now.  Forget about failure, or any self-doubt that creeps into the mind.  Right now is a new second in our lives and right now we can start over.  
So what is it?  Did you smoke?  Did you drink?  Did you swear?  Did you over-eat?  Did you not take time for your family/friends?  Did you let procrastination get the best of you?  Did you not take time for yourself? Did you let days go on without exercising?  
So what?  You did it, it's done and it's time to move forward.  Forget the things you can't change.  No, you can't change what happened one second ago, but you can change what is going to happen one second from now.  So do it.  Move, evolve and find peace with yourself.  Life is too exciting to continually beat yourself up and quite frankly, it's just not necessary.  
I wish you all the best as you begin again.  Here's to "keep on keepin' on" friends....cheers!
~one body, one life~