25 January, 2010

Prelude to a Quest...

As I mentioned in the sidebar "about me" section, I began my quest for optimum health thirteen years ago when my oldest child was born.  At the time I was living in a small town in northern Michigan, I read 8 Weeks to Optimum Health by Dr. Andrew Weil and immediately my mother bear instincts kicked in. I wanted my child to remain perfect and untouched and that meant eliminating my newly discovered enemies, transfats and pesticides and anything artificial.  So began my journey, or my race as it often felt. I began asking the local grocer about things like organic milk and produce (poor man - I'm sure at some point an alarm went off when I entered the store). I was spending much of my time reading food labels, searching for those that were clear of words like transfats, artificial flavors and anything resembling FD&C with a color and number after it.  I read books and more books and tried to find solid information on a newly discovered "information superhighway" called the internet.  All of the research, and my child's wonderfully progressive pediatrician, confirmed the same things - fast food was loaded with transfats and these cause cancer and that the best thing we can do for our bodies is eat a diet low in saturated fat and organic is best for our bodies.  And on went my quest and my research and eventually I have come to this place of teaching people how to exercise and eat well, motivating them to become healthier - mind and body. 
What I have learned through working with individuals and families is that most of us know by now (thank you information superhighway for eventually catching up to your name) what foods we shouldn't be eating and that we should exercise to stay healthy.  We are so fortunate, even if you live in a small town in N. Michigan, to have a plethora of healthy food choices readily available, in grocery stores and restaurants.  
So we have this overwhelming knowledge and these resources and now what?  My hope is that this blog will help you create a clear and concise, manageable plan for your lifestyle. Hoping that what took me thirteen years through trial and error to learn and accomplish, can be done by you in 52 weeks, one year. I will write about eating well and exercise, giving you tips and ideas each week.  
There are a few things I want to address before we begin our 52 weeks together.  First, becoming healthy is a lifelong process and there is no stop date.  It's a mindset that takes motivation and dedication in order to succeed, our mind/body connection is incredibly strong.  So before we begin visualize what your new and healthy life looks like.  How do you look, how do you act and feel?  In order for this transformation to take place you have to be ready and want it to happen, otherwise quite simply, it won't happen.  Be ready to give up old habits and welcome the changes that are about to take place in your life, realizing that these changes are going to have you looking and feeling better than ever.  Know that setbacks are a common part of life and they are okay.  If you have the inner desire you will find the necessary time and energy to recover from your setbacks and again move closer to your goal.
This is an exciting time for change and if you view this as such your journey will be a successful, pleasant experience.  If you choose to view this as difficult and stressful, it will be just that.  
One last bit from me before we begin.  The eating and exercise tips I am writing about are those that I find beneficial for myself and many of the people I work with.  I am not a doctor or a nutritionist.  I am a certified personal trainer and my knowledge comes from good, solid research and years of experience.  I do recommend consulting a physician before starting any new, or making any changes to your current diet and exercise program.  My intention is not to cure or treat any condition.  I am writing to motivate and help educate on the subjects of eating well and exercise.  
Best of luck to you all!  ~One Body, One Life~