31 January, 2011

Week Fifty Two: Happy trails to you, until we meet again...

Maybe you read every post and took just a little something from each one.  Maybe you read one or two posts and devoured them.  Maybe you intended to follow each week but lost track after a while.  The beauty of a blog is that it's here for you to read and re-read anytime you'd like. This is week 52 and my last post. Thank you for reading, following and sharing, as I know many of you have each week.  I wish you the best and hope that you are on your way to a healthier, happier you every day.
I want to leave you with this quote.  I find it refreshing and hopeful, and a great reminder when we are tempted to beat ourselves up.  "The beauty of the human body is its ability to recover itself."-- Dr. Oz 
Be well, God bless and never stop working towards optimal health.
~one body, one life~
p.s  If you would like to know what I'm up to in 2011, you can go to  www.jenniferpohlman.blogspot.com.  In the last 52 weeks my passion for raw foods and the lifestyle has evolved into a nice business and I feel blessed to wake each day loving what I do.  It was nothing that  I intended or planned, the opportunities just came to me, as is what happens when we are ready to receive.  I'm teaching raw food classes, presenting at workshops, expos and in classrooms.  I'm preparing and selling 3 day raw food detoxes and my Jenergy Bars™.  Some days I even feel a little guilty - by inspiring and teaching people how to become the best version of themselves, I am doing exactly what fulfills me and am so incredibly happy.