06 July, 2010

Week Twenty One - Do You Hear What Your Body Is Saying?

Today is day 4 with no exercise and I am on steroids. Quite the opposite of my incessant blog preaching, to fill our bodies with only natural substances and move them often, I know. I am however, listening to my body - a very important daily task. As much as I want to move and keep my normal schedule, I am choosing rest. Another day or two and I will be back in motion. Listening to our bodies is one of the best health tools we can learn to use. Our bodies tell us everything we need to know, if we choose to listen.
Over the weekend I met a darling couple, Dave and Mary.  Together they had just finished an eleven day cleanse.  Dave's response to the cleanse was that he learned how little food our bodies really need each day.  Mary's response was that she learned to adjust to the feeling of being a little hungry and being okay with that feeling instead of feeding the feeling.  Both Dave and Mary listened to their body's response to the change in their diet and learned from it.  We can all reap the benefits from listening to our bodies more closely and more often, and here are some general, daily ways to do this.
I am hungry.  Are you hungry or are you thirsty?  Often we are dehydrated and that translates to feelings of hunger.  Try drinking water before you choose food and see how you feel.
I am craving something sweet.  Great, eat an apple or juicy melon (watermelon is fabulous right now).  This fills your sugar fix naturally and with the added bonus of nutrition.  
My body craves XYZ.  Yes, your body will crave whatever you put in it consistently.  Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and your body will begin to crave them.  Eat processed sugary, salty snacks and your body will crave those too.  Choose wisely and choose what you want your body to crave.  My funny client, Julie insisted that the day she craved an apple would be the day hell froze over.  We were discussing easy ways to increase fiber in our diets and I suggested an apple a day for an easy 5 grams of fiber.  It did not take but two weeks, when she came to me amazed that she actually craved an apple.  Jules, are you still eating your apples?  
I am a caffeine junkie.  Limit your caffeine intake.  One to two cups of coffee or caffeinated tea a day.  And decaf?  Skip it, the decaffeination process and additives are more toxic than the natural caffeine.  If your body is telling you it needs a mid-day caffeine fix, try taking a brisk 10 minute walk or drinking a large glass of water.  If you need the hot drink sensation, find an herbal tea (they are naturally decaffeinated) that you like.  
My body is always achy.  More and more is becoming known about diet and its affects related to  chronic inflammation.  Chronic inflammation can be the cause of general body aches, weight-gain, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, heart disease, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, diabetes, and more.  When we observe and listen to our body's response to our lifestyle choices, we  may very well see where the problem is rooted.  Dr. Andrew Weil, one of my most respected health experts, has some great information regarding inflammation on his website (www.drweil.com).
After working at my desk all day I am tired and do not have the energy to exercise.  Sitting for long periods of time does make us tired.  Take breaks throughout the day and take a walk instead of the caffeine, smoke or vending machine break.  If you are only tired from sitting, push yourself to exercise.  You will feel the energy burst afterward.  Sara, a former bootcamp client, continually told me how she loved the later evening classes, because although she often did not have the energy going into class, she loved the increase in energy afterward and how much she accomplished on those evenings. 
I have an injury/strain or I am sick, but I am going to work out anyway.  This is always tempting for us exercise junkies, but not very wise.  From experience I can tell you, continuing to exercise through an injury or illness will most always cause a greater injury with more time off later.  Rest when your body needs it!  
This week, take some time to keenly observe what your body is telling you.  Make the necessary changes in diet and habits from these observations.  Make the choice to be a better listener and your body will thank you time and time again.
~One Body, One Life~