16 July, 2010

Week Twenty-Four: Day 4 of the The 10 Day Detox

Day four was another fine day!  Interestingly enough, I had excess energy all day and was not that hungry.  The theory that your body craves what you put in it seems to be holding true with me this week.  I look forward to my green smoothies in the morning and my sweeter (naturally with fruit of course) smoothie for lunch.  I have been saving a little of the smoothie for a mid-day snack and that gets me through until dinner.  I feel completely satisfied with the amount of food, no doubt.  One of the more difficult aspects of this is making meals for myself and for my family, but that is nothing new.  I have always aimed to please in the kitchen and usually make two or three dishes per meal so that the whole bunch is satisfied - different taste buds you know.  Overall day four was an A+ day.  
Breakfast: Green Smoothie 
Lunch:  Choco-Starwberry-Banana Smoothie.  Almond milk, banana, strawberry, cacao powder, hemp protein powder, coconut butter and soy lecithin.  
Dinner:  Thai Curry Soup, Flax Crackers and an apple for dessert.
This weekend will be interesting as I am on the go for three days straight days without a RAW food cafe in site.  Wish me luck and enjoy a beautiful weekend!
~One Body, One life~