22 December, 2010

Week Forty Two: What's Your Theme Song?

Music is incredibly magical and therapeutic.  Because it inspires, motivates and creates memories, I encourage you to pick a theme song as you make your resolutions this year.  Choose a song that inspires and tells the story of you in 2011.  Over the next week, try to let a song pick you, you'll know when you hear it.  It tells your story and when it plays you are motivated to run a little faster, ride a little longer or practice a little stronger.  It makes you stop and listen or maybe get up and dance.
When you hear your song, you will be reminded of the goals you set this week and will be driven to stay, or get back, on track.  When you hear your song you will feel, unstoppable.
Whatever your resolutions are, pay attention over this next year how often you hear your song just exactly when you need to hear it.  Play your song on days when you need that extra lift - just once or repeatedly is good too.  You won't tire of your song.
Have fun with this and cheers to new beginnings!  Oh, and my 2010 song was Unwritten (Natasha Bedingfield) and my 2011 song is even better.
~one body, one life~
p.s. pass this on...

18 December, 2010

Week Forty One: Gifts You Will Love To Give And Receive!

This is a great gift for anyone on your list.  After reading through this alphabetized produce book that highlights the important qualities of many fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and herbs as well as how to use them in recipes, you will feel confident in any produce aisle.

Consider buying a share in a local, organic, co-op (or CSA, community supported agriculture) farm.  Most every city has them and they are a wonderful.  You can pick your own produce each week, help on the farm if that's your thing, or just pick up  your weekly selection of fresh fruits and vegetables at a designated location.  You'll not only save money doing this, you'll also be sure that you're getting the freshest produce around and doing your part for our beautiful environment by staying local!  Here is a link to get you started

I can't say enough about this product or this company.  Organic, gluten free, Keeki products are wonderful for adults and kids alike.  Another helpful link to the website to get you there faster!

I am a huge fan of all of the SmartWool products - warm and comfortable!  Check them out.

The VitaMix blender.  I can't say enough about this product.  I use it everyday at least once a day, most often 2-3 times.  Great for smoothies, sauces, blending, chopping - you name it, this blender does it!

A lavender eye pillow.  My sweet husband bought me one last Christmas and I love the ritual of putting it over my eyes and smelling the fragrant, relaxing lavender before falling asleep.  This particular pillow  is eco-delicious and I wish I knew the name of it to share with you.  I don't, but that doesn't mean you can't be savvy enough to search the internet to find one for yourself or a loved one. 
~One Body, One Life~

17 December, 2010

Week Forty: I'll have a skinny holiday season please...

Reality check in time ladies and gentlemen!  It is two weeks until the new year and how are you doing?  Are you being naughty or nice...to your body?  Are you exercising regularly or telling yourself it is okay to take a break and start again in 2011?  Are you eating a diet of mainly healthy, nutrient dense foods or are you overindulging in holiday sweets because Christmas comes only once a year?
If you find yourself on the naughty list, here are some tips to help you get through the next two weeks and when you turn the calendar to January 1, 2011 you can be proud that the numbers on your scale are not reading "help".
-Replace one meal a day with a green smoothie.  Low in calories and the energy and health benefits are out of this world!
-Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate with water, water, water.  Can't say enough about this - just do it now and thank me later.
-Experiment with raw, vegan foods.  There are so many wonderful books, blogs and websites available to help you.
-EXERCISE everyday for at least 30 minutes.  Do it for an hour a day and you'll be amazed at how great you feel in 2 weeks.
-Tempted by sweets?  Imagine yourself on a beach or at a pool where you will most likely be in a few months on vacation.
-Try on warm weather clothes or better yet, your swimsuit.  Do you like what you see?  I hope so and let's keep it that way!
-If you do overindulge one day, detox the next day.  Drink water, a green smoothie or two, and just like that, good as new!
Best of luck with your eating and exercise over the next two weeks!  If the scale has already moved up a notch or two, don't fret just get back on track today.
~One Body, One Life~

09 December, 2010

Week Thirty Nine: Vegan (or raw!) Avocado-Chile Soup

This soup can be raw or cooked - either way it is vegan and delicious!

2 cloves garlic
2 chile peppers, seeds removed - jalapeno, serrano or pablano.  I use serrano.
2-3 ripe avocados
3 TBLS fresh lime or lemon juice
1 tsp hot, chile sauce
2 cups rice milk
1/2 cup fresh cilantro (I have substituted 1 1/2 tsp ground coriander  if fresh cilantro is unavailable)
1/4 tsp cumin
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 cup minced yellow onion
When making this raw, simply add all ingredients (minus the EVOO) to a high speed blender for  1 minute or until smooth and creamy.  Pour into small glasses and sip!
If enjoying this as a cooked soup.  Blend avocado, peppers, cilantro, hot sauce,  lime/lemon juice, cumin, salt, pepper,  1 cup rice milk in a high speed blender for 1 minute.  Saute onion over medium heat in 2 tablespoons of EVOO until soft, add avocado mixture and another cup of rice milk.  Simmer  for 5-10 minutes before enjoying.  
For a more pureed soup, which is what I prefer,  add sauteed onions and second cup of rice milk to blender with avocado mixture and blend before simmering for 5-10 minutes.  

*This recipe was written as a cooked soup (Natural Health magazine).  I blended it into a raw soup and it's now one of my favorites!

08 December, 2010

Week Thirty Eight: Balance, Balance, Balance

As we all know, life is full of surprises and we never quite know what is lurking around the next bend.  Creating a harmonious flow of balance in our lives helps sustain our strength and moves us gracefully through daily challenges. Here are some simple and manageable ways to create more balance in your life starting today!
Create a personal, happy place in your home.  This is a place that allows you to feel whatever you are needing more of - relaxation, creativity, energy.   I have two spaces like this in my home.  One is my exercise, meditation area.  I love this space - from the color, to the natural sunlight coming into the room.  There is always music playing and there seems to be an abundance of positive energy flowing through this room.  In my work/create area, I bought a beautiful antique table that came from Italy with a lot of history.  Again, this space has natural sunlight coming in all day and I try to keep the area free of clutter.   Neither of these spaces is very large because what really matters is that I created the spaces to suit my needs and in them I am inspired, creative, energetic and happy.  
Say goodbye to the toxic relationships in your life.   Feel good about this, not only are you releasing yourself from the stress of a demanding relationship, but you are helping the other person to move on as well.  People are brought to us during our lives for different reasons and not necessarily for the long haul.  Accept that and move on if you find yourself in a friendship that continually leaves your feeling frustrated, angry or sad.  
p.s. spouses are the exception to this - consider counseling before moving on.
Remain thankful.  This can be difficult during challenging times, but is so rewarding when remembered.  Giving thanks, whether it's to the universe or to God, for all of the blessings that come your way is a humbling and enlightening experience.  When you can look at your life on a bad day and say "thank you for the lessons in this" or "thank you for believing that I have the strength to take on these challenges" it is truly amazing how your day changes.  Where your thoughts are is where you will be.

Choose your battles.  Whether it's with your boss, kids, friends, spouse, partner...choosing what battles are worth debating is key to staying in balance.  Not every issue is worth a conversation or argument.  Anyone who knows me, knows that this is difficult for me.  I am an energetic aries, and more often than not, the ram in me comes out.  I have to work hard to remember that my way  is not always the best way for everyone.  I have learned to stop and ask myself  "how much does this really affect me and my day?"  Taking all of the ego out of the equation is tough stuff!  Another question I find myself asking is, " will the person involved be happier if I give in, or let this go?"  If the answer is yes and my day can go on peacefully then it's worth the consession.  
Find your meditation.  This is different for everyone.  Some people find solace in yoga or running, some, an actual meditation or prayer practice.   Find your meditation.  What is it that you do that allows you to feel restored?  For me it is all of the above.  There are days I need one more than the other so that is what I do.  On cold winter days it may be as simple as 30 minutes in a hot sauna or steam room.  Take this time for yourself,  you need and deserve it - there is nothing sexy about being a martyr. 
Simplify.  Having an over abundance of material *things* taking up space in your life leaves less room for clarity.  Keep the things that have meaning and sell or donate the things that do not.  Clean out closets, especially this time of year and take extra cold weather gear to local shelters or the Salvation Army.  Ask yourself this question as you go through your things,  "can someone else who needs this benefit more than my wanting this?"
There are many ways to create and keep balance in your life, these are just a few.  But... 
there are also days that, no matter how hard you try, you are going to feel out of balance or just a little "off".  On these days consider this as your mantra "keep calm and carry on".  
Have a beautifully balanced day today!
~One Body, One LIfe~

06 December, 2010

Week Thirty Seven: Raw Flatbread Pizza Recipe

Experimenting with raw, vegan foods has been my passion for a couple of years now.  Often I use recipes from my favorite raw cuisine books, however lately I have found myself experimenting and creating my own recipes.  This is how I have always cooked.  I begin with a recipe from a book or magazine and alter it to what I have on hand.  Although I am very organized, I am not always so good at planning ahead.  I tend to live in the moment and when the mood strikes and something looks or sounds good I'm all over it!  So, these flatbreads are my recent creation and they really are as delicious as they look.  Bon appetit!

3-4 small yellow onions thinly sliced in a food processor
1 cup ground flax seed
1 spaghetti squash, peeled and grated, in a food processor
1/3 cup good soy sauce, either Nama Shoyu or Tamari (gluten free)
1/3 cup cold pressed EVOO
Mix ingredients in large bowl.  Spread evenly onto dehydrrator tray lined with Teflex sheet, parchment paper works as well.  Dehydrate 12 hours at 110º.  Remove bread from Teflex sheet, turning it over onto an unlined tray and returning to dehydrator for another 12 hours at 110º.

Remove and cut into squares, a pizza cutter works well.  You may like your bread a little crispier, just return to dehydrator for another couple of hours.  As this does take some time and planning, I make crackers and breads at the beginning of each week so I have them on hand.

1/1/2 cups cherry tomatoes
1/1/2 cups sun-dried tomatoes, soaked 30 minutes
1/2 cup water
1 tsp dried oregano
4-5 basil leaves
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
Blend all ingredients in high speed blender or food processor for 30-45 seconds

2 cups cashews, soaked for 2 hours and rinsed well
1 cup nutritional yeast
1 clove garlic
1/2 small onion
1/2 cup water
dash cayenne pepper
dash of sea salt
Blend ingredients in high speed blender until smooth.  I use less water and pour it in as needed, until smooth being careful not to over dilute.  Consistency should be thick enough to use as a spread.

This cheese is delicious as a dip, spread, sauce.  Keep refrigerated for up to a week.

I used a variety of toppings on the flatbreads.  The olives were a perfect pairing with the garlic and onion in the bread and cheese.  Fresh tomatoes and basil were perfect as well.  Spread a thin layer of sauce and then cheese onto flatbreads.  Top with your favorite vegetables and again, Bon appetit!
~One Body, One Life~

12 November, 2010

Week Thirty Six: Having Fun? Meet Kris Carr.

Kris Carr inspired me so much in her recent post that I just had to share it with you all. There are so many amazing messages in this vlog so be open and listen closely. This woman inspires me personally, not always with her information as I know much of that already, but with her fun factor.  Anyone who can take a diagnosis of cancer, turn it into a gift and share it with the world - all while having fun - is a genius.  Kris you are a gift - thank you!
~one body, one life~

07 November, 2010

Week Thirty Five: Improve Your Sleep

Along with being chronically dehydrated, most of us suffer from lack of sleep.  When you sleep your body restores cells and rejuvenates energy levels.  Sleep also allows your mind to find resolution to many of the day's problems, keeping you in balance. Here are some tips to consider if you are one of the many people who have difficulty getting a good night's rest.
-Exercise in the morning or afternoon, not within three hours of going to bed.  
-Make sure your exercise has you breathing heavy, this ensures that your heart is getting a good workout (doctor approved, of course)  and that  all of those good, healthy endorphins are being released.
-Try meditation to reduce any stress that may have you tossing and turning at night.  Even 5-10 minutes can be helpful.
-Keep a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time everyday.  
-Stay hydrated.
-Eat a healthy diet and stop eating at least 2 hours before bedtime.
-Keep electronics and all light out of the bedroom.
-Try a white noise machine.
-If you watch TV or read before bed, make sure it is low stress and pleasing to you.  Save the news and action shows for earlier in the day.
-Try herbal teas that help stimulate sleep.  There are many calming teas on the market.
-Watch your caffeine and alcohol intake, both known to have adverse effects on a healthy sleep cycle.
-Are you getting too much sleep?  Most adults only need between 6 and 8 hours of sleep a night.  If you find yourself needing naps on a regular basis consider having a professional look at your diet and exercise regime.  
-Sitting all day can leave you feeling tired.  If you have a desk job take a few minutes every hour to get up, stretch, walk and keep your blood circulating.  This is also a good time to drink a glass of water.
-Mental stress is draining and can make you more tired than even physical stress.  Consider the stress in your life and how you can reduce it, enlisting the help of a professional if necessary.  
-Try a little nookie (yes, sex) with your partner,  for a nighttime stress reliever and help falling asleep.
I hope you all remembered to turn those clocks back last night and that you enjoyed an extra hour of sleep!  
~One Body, One Life~

30 October, 2010

Week Thirty-Four No Halloween Guilt Here

People often ask me about holidays, what to serve and how to keep from eating all of the sweet treats.  My response, don't worry so much about the holidays - enjoy them.  Our health is not measured by one day of eating, but rather over the course of weeks and months.  If you concentrate on eating healthy 90% of the time, you will really be able to enjoy moderately letting loose 10% of the time.  Enjoy this Halloween with your family and friends - celebrate!  
~One Body, One Life~
p.s.  Check out this fun recipe at,

19 October, 2010

Week Thirty-Three: Vegan Fall Soup Recipe

Vegan Butternut Squash Soup
2 pound butternut squash, peeled and cubed
2 leeks washed and sliced, white parts only
1 onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 large, or 2 small, green or red apple, cubed
4 carrots, peeled and sliced
1 young thai coconut, water and meat (optional, I love this soup with or without the delicious hint of coconut)
1 1/2 tsp allspice
1 tsp cinnamon
6 cups vegetable broth
1 sprig fresh Thyme or 1/2 tsp of dried Thyme
1 tsp sea salt or good kosher salt
2 tbls olive oil
Saute squash, carrots, leeks, onions, garlic and apple in olive oil until vegetables begin to soften, approximately 10 minutes.  Add vegetable broth, coconut water and meat, allspice, cinnamon, thyme and salt.  Simmer for approximately 20 minutes, or until vegetables are soft, and remove from heat.  Let soup cool for 10 minutes.  Process soup in batches, in a blender, returning it to a pot to simmer until warm.  Add broth for a finer consistency, if desired.  Garnish with a few apple slices, or a few homemade croutons, with each serving.

The original recipe for this soup came from the Golden Door Cookbook.  Over the years I have altered the recipe to my taste and to vegan standards.  

15 October, 2010

Week Thirty-Two: Ten Question Health Assessment

Answer these questions to keep yourself on the road to better health!
Am I still eating fast food?  With all of the knowledge we have today regarding the fast food industry, I am always shocked to see cars lined up at the drive-throughs.  This is easy to fix, just don't do it.  If you are finding it difficult to stop the fast food cycle, watch the movie Fast Food Nation for some inspiration.  By the way, traveling is no excuse - pack food for the road, stop at a grocery store and even gas stations sell bananas.

Am I getting at least one hour of exercise 5 to 6 days a week?  This is one of those non-negotiable health rules.  Do it for your heart and think of it as part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth (you are brushing your teeth everyday aren't you...)  

Am I eating fruits and vegetables with every meal?  Don't wait for dinner to serve veggies, and stop thinking that fruit is only for the breakfast table.  Mix it up, if you have more time in the morning than at lunch eat a salad for breakfast or better yet try a green smoothie.  You can't say "yuck!" until you've experimented and tried a few.  I can guarantee you'll find at least one that is refreshing and tasty.

Am I buying processed foods that have a laundry list of ingredients?  Stick with the rule, 7 or less ingredients is best.  

Am I eating more organic foods?  Go back to week sixteen and review the list of fruits and vegetables that are best eaten organic.  Remember pesticides are linked to many, many diseases.

Am I cooking more and eating out less?  It is really tough to eat healthy at a restaurant.  Portion control is nearly impossible unless you have extreme willpower, and then just try to stay away from the fries on your kid's plate.

Am I eating too much added sugar?  Most of us do so make it your goal to eat less or better yet, no added sugar, and you'll see the pounds melt off of you.  If weight is not an issue for you do it for your body - sugar is tough on our entire system.  Added sugar is different than natural sugar so know the difference and skip those foods that add sugar to unnaturally sweeten your foods.  

Am I eating too much meat?  Americans eat too much animal protein.  I find it interesting that people are so concerned about getting enough protein.  Ask yourself this, what is the problem that more protein will fix?  If you eat a balanced diet, including nuts, seeds and mostly plants you shouldn't have a problem.  There are many athletes who do not eat any meat at all.  I recommend reading Brendan Brazier's "Thrive", Alicia Silverstone's website "The Kind Life", and Dr. Andrew Weil's food pyramid. They are great resources.

Am I taking time to relax and have fun everyday?  We all know by now that stress kills.  Life is not a race - slow down and stop taking everything so seriously.  Work on de-stressing and celebrating your wonderful family and friends each day.  

Am I making excuses instead of making changes?  Easy to do.  There is no magic diet, pill, or exercise video that is going to make the changes for you. Find your motivation and keep plugging away.  You can do it, now ask yourself, do I want to do it?

Good luck with your assessment and be sure sure to visit this page often.  These questions are great reminders for us all - we can always be just a little better, a little healthier!
~One body, One life~

08 October, 2010

Week Thirty-One: Vegan Guys Are Smart & Sexy!

This feels a little bit like cheating, however, I have had a very busy week.  It is the last weekend of Artprize here in Grand Rapids, MI (artprize.org), and a beautiful Friday night, so I am off to enjoy some art, friends and fun. Besides, I love this post on Alicia Silverstone's website, The Kind Life.  It is a great follow up to my last post.  Enjoy and as always, stay on your path to a healthy lifestyle!
~One Body, One Life~


28 September, 2010

Week Thirty: Sexy People Eat Sexy Food

What is sexy?  Is it the clothes we wear?  Is it a certain body type?  Is sexy a state of mind?  This is such a personal question that I know if I ask ten people I will likely hear ten different answers, but I still like the question.  And more than liking the question, I like my answer - sexy people eat sexy food.  Yes, I believe that sexy people eat sexy food.  I have spent hours talking with people about food, observing people when they food shop, and when they eat.  All of these observations and conversations have me convinced that the sexiest people are the people who eat the sexiest food.  
What Sexy Is Not (necessarily)...
Sexy is not tight buns and big...biceps.  Sexy is not sweating in the gym day after day to build bigger, stronger muscles.  Sexy is not running/walking mile after mile each week to stay thin.  Sexy is not starving your body.  Sexy is not skinny.  Sexy is not fat.  Sexy is not eating a McDonald's hamburger "for the protein", and certainly not for the taste.
What Is Sexy...
Sexy is confidence.  Sexy is taking time to care for the body, and the mind (hint: this is the reason we women adore our male yoga gurus).  Sexy is engaging in new challenges.  Sexy is not being afraid of change.  Sexy is people eating, growing and buying sexy food.
What Sexy Food Is Not...  
Sexy food does not come from mass farming where animals are treated poorly, injected with hormones, *grown* in cages and in poor living conditions.  Sexy food is not factory made food.  Sexy food is not food sprayed with poison so it can *look* perfect.  Sexy food is not artificial and preserved.  Sexy food is not several courses of an expensive dinner.  Sexy food is not a meal after a meal, that which we call dessert.
What Is Sexy Food...
Sexy food is what we consume because we care about ourselves and our planet, the very same planet that we want our children's children to thrive on.  Sexy food tastes delicious because it's fresh and grown naturally.  Sexy food is raised humanely and kindly.  Sexy food is a morsel of something sweet, just a taste.  Sexy food is disease preventative not disease causing.  Sexy food is grown on a vine, tree or in the ground - harvested each season with care by real people, on real farms.  Sexy food is often scratched, bumped, bruised and delicious exactly that way.
Yes, I know that sexy people eat sexy food because this is what people tell me.  They tell me when they feel their best, their most confident, their sexiest and it's when they are at their healthiest.  I hope you can find your sexy food and that you love it as much as I think you will.
~One Body, One Life~

20 September, 2010

Week Twenty-Nine: Super Easy & Delicious Smoothie Recipes

Enjoy these tried and true smoothie recipes that my family (yes, kids too!)  enjoy daily.  These are basic recipes that I have played with and perfected.  Of course everyone's taste buds are different, so add your favorite fruits or vegetables to create a smoothie that you love!  

Breakfast or Dessert - You Choose 

2 Young Thai Coconuts - water and meat
4 Bananas
6 Large Strawberries
1/4 Cup Agave Nectar
1/3 Cup  Cacao Powder
2 Tsp Soy Lecithin (optional)
Small Handful Ice
Blend and Enjoy!
Makes approximately 4 drinks

Strawberry Banana Milkshake

5 Large Strawberries
6 oz Milk (non-dairy alternatives work well too-soy, almond, rice...)
1 banana
Splash of Agave Nectar
1 tsp Soy Lecithin (optional)
Small Handful Ice
Blend and Enjoy!
Makes Approximately 2 drinks

Manic Mondays No More Smoothie
2-3 Cups Spinach
8 oz Grapefruit Juice
2 Stalks of Celery
2 tsp Lemon Juice
2 Apples
1 Banana
Blend and Enjoy!
Makes approximately 3-4 drinks

Terrible Tuesdays Be Gone Smoothie
2-3 Cups Spinach
8 oz Filtered Water
Fresh Peeled Ginger, 3 inch piece
1 Apple
1 Banana
Small Handful of Grapes
Blend and Enjoy!
Makes Approximately 2-3 drinks

Never A Better Hump Day Smoothie
2-3 Cups Spinach
2 Small (or 1 Large) Cucumbers (skins and all)
2 Apples
2 Peaches
8 oz Grapefruit Juice
Blend and Enjoy!
Makes Approximately 3-4 drinks

~One Body, One Life~

15 September, 2010

Week Twenty-Eight: Core Work

Core is a buzz word that we've been hearing for a while in the fitness world - strengthen the core, core is important, it's all about core work.  Those are all true statements, however the question becomes do we really know why it's important and do we really know the proper ways to strengthen our core?  
As I train more and more people, I realize how misguided we are about core workouts and the importance of properly developing the two core areas of our body.  Yes, we actually have two core areas - an outer layer and an inner layer.  The outer layer is the more popular, the one that most of us work on by attending those 10-15 minute core classes or workouts a few times each week.  These are the muscles that give us a flat stomach, or better yet that 6-pack appearance.  Most of us are well versed in this area and if not, just pick up a fitness magazine.
The other area is the inner core.  These are the smaller muscles that surround the spine and low back.  They keep us standing tall and keep us from collapsing.  This is our balance and stability center, our lift, reach, twist and turn center.  Our inner core is a place that cannot afford weakness, and one that we tend to ignore mostly because we are unaware of its importance.  Seldom do I hear people talk about wanting a strong back and strong inner core for balance and stability reasons - people generally want what looks good over what is functional and what feels good (sort of like women's shoes).  However, the benefits of developing a functional and strong core are tremendous for everyone, including the aging person wanting to stand tall and remain balanced, to athletes of all ages and abilities wanting to improve their sport.  Strengthening the inner core keeps us free of back pain, gives us good posture, quickness, stability, balance and coordination.
Working on inner core exercises ignites the core muscles that we need to keep our posture in line.  This is a two way street (good news!) as working on our posture and form also improves the inner core muscles.  The simple acts of proper posture while standing and sitting tall activates our inner core muscles.  When you are at your desk be sure to sit tall. Think of how a child sits, usually perched on the edge of their seat, sitting very straight with shoulders back, tummy's tucked and low back muscles activated.  They are utilizing all of those vital core muscles while maintaining good posture.  These are the same principles we should use while standing, and some simple things you can do to start working those muscles.  To get a more thorough inner core workout, check with a fitness professional who can guide you through balance and stability work in each exercise session.

A good fitness trainer will work on core muscles throughout a workout session by incorporating a range of movements that utilize the inner and outer core muscles.  They will also give verbal ques that remind you to activate the core continuously as you work.  This not only helps strengthen those inner and outer layers of muscle, but it helps keep you safe as you use good form and proper posture while performing the exercises. Yoga is a fabulous way to increase core strength, stability and balance, as are Pilates classes.  I am always hesitant to recommend home dvd workouts as I know a number of people who have strained muscles, back muscles in particular, while working out at home in front of the TV.  If you are a dvd workout fan, my advice is to be sure that you feel confident with proper form before attempting to workout alone,  nobody wants to be that person yelling, "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!"

Make it your goal to improve your core over the next few months.  I guarantee that you will feel a new lease on life as you run, lift, twist and turn pain free and with ease.  You may even see that 6-pack.  Good luck and keep up the hard work that it takes to remain healthy and balanced - nothing feels better!
~One Body, One Life~

25 August, 2010

Week Twenty-Seven: We know why,now learn how to Detox

You should have a well thought out plan when preparing for a detox.  It takes a couple of weeks, up to a month, to mentally prepare and logistically organize for this time.  Below are some helpful steps in planning your future detox.

1.  Why do I want to detox/cleanse?  List your reasons for wanting to take on this challenge.  
2.  For how long do I want to detox?  Decide what you realistically think you can handle.  Three days, five days, ten days?  I don't recommend more than ten days for your first time, unless you are extremely disciplined.   I have talked with people who have detoxed up to 21 days on the Master Cleanse (a tough detox) their first time.   They felt very successful although there were days that they disengaged from the diet.  It's okay to backslide as long as you prepare for it, and are willing to get back on the horse!
3.  Research detox options and choose one that works for you.  You may have a friend or neighbor that has detoxed in the past - ask their advice!
4.  Tell your family and friends of your plan.  You will need support and encouragement.
5.  Buy all necessary detox items a week or so in advance.  If your detox includes any food, such as a RAW food detox, prepare your menu in advance according to your schedule.  
6.  Be careful not to psych yourself out of detoxing.  I compare the detox prep to that of preparing for a race, it's very easy to let your nerves get the best of you.  It's only a detox and it's only food that you are giving up, and for a relatively short amount of time.  Savor the experience - that is what life is all about, experiences!
7.  Be sure to drink ample amounts of water while detoxing.  Your body needs the water to flush the toxins out of your system.
8.  Be prepared to rest your body from heavy exercise.  I am always a little surprised when people admit that they don't detox for fear of giving up their exercise.  Your body will be much better off from the detox and will not suffer from the lack of normal exercise.  Mentally however, you will have to prepare for this.  For those who are cardio junkies, no worries, if properly prepared for your detox, you will not miss the adrenaline rush.  In fact you may find that the feelings of euphoria that you experience during your detox are more enjoyable, or equal to, the endorphins you experience during exercise!
9.  It is okay to engage in light exercise such as yoga, walking or light jogging.  
10.  You most likely will not feel very social during this time, prepare for this.  This is a nice time to disengage from normal activity and to evaluate your life.  Journal your time and you may just be amazed at the clarity and creativity that comes from this time of solitude.
11.  Consider detoxing with a friend or spouse - you know the old adage, misery loves company.  Okay, kidding about that last part, but it is helpful to have the support of someone who is going through the same feelings as you.
12.  Be sure to take extra fiber or laxatives of some sort.  Your body will need this to help clean out your digestive tract.  Clearly you will want to prepare for this process - timing is everything here!  For instance you will not want to drink laxative tea just before a long car ride or a trip to the grocery store.  
Below are *just a few* forms of detoxing for you to think about.  Pick one that works for you or make up your own.  There is no right or wrong way to detox.  The key is to eliminate toxins from your body! 
1.  Consult your health food store for detox options they may sell.
2.  Give up processed foods, salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol.
3.  A RAW foods diet.
4.  The Master Cleanse.
5.  Go meat and dairy free.
6.  Go alcohol and caffeine free.
Not only is it important that you give up toxins in your food while detoxing, but in the products you use on your body as well.  Most all beauty products (hair, make-up, personal hygiene) contain toxic ingredients that are absorbed into the body through the skin.  Research shows that many prevalent diseases of our generation may be the result of these toxins.  
1.  Consider wearing only natural fibers.
2.  Use organic beauty products that have the least amount of ingredients.  Do your research or ask your health food store consultant.
3.  Use an air purifier in your home.
4.  Use natural, environmentally healthy cleaning and laundry products.  They are all readily available in supermarkets and health food stores.  
5.  Use natural fiber bedding - your eight hours of sleep should be chemical free.
The bottom line is that any time you eliminate toxins of any sort from your body, you are giving your liver and  digestive tract a well deserved break - a break that with any luck will result in healthy lifestyle changes for you and your family.  I hope you are seriously considering a detox, and that during the entire process you embrace and enjoy all of the beautiful changes that take place in your mind and body.  You deserve to feel your best in this one life that we have to live!  Good luck.
~One Body, One Life~

17 August, 2010

Week Twenty-Six: Why Detox?

One of my favorite quotes was said by Thomas Edison, "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."  A detoxification diet or cleanse is a step in the right direction toward disease prevention, and a fabulous way to begin a healthier lifestyle.  
Deciding to take on a detox diet is a process.  The first step in the process is deciding why you want to detox, what is your purpose?  It is wise to make a list of the reasons you personally want to detox before choosing one of the many options available.  Some of the reasons people choose to detox or cleanse are the following:
-Jump start weight loss
-Quit drinking caffeine and/or alcohol
-Take diet/lifestyle to the next level
-Help create awareness of dietary addictions
-Eliminate sugar
-Eliminate toxins from major organs (colon, liver, pancreas)
-Eliminate yeast and inflammation from the body
-Become aware of potential food allergies
Once you have a clear purpose, you can then choose the duration of your detox.  This is going to depend on your work and personal life schedule, and the time of year.  Be careful not to set yourself up for failure by attempting your first detox in the midst of a hectic time in your life.  For your first detox, I recommend a shorter duration, five to ten days.  As you learn to detox, you will better understand the changes that your body goes through and can then adjust the length of time for future diets. 
There are many benefits to a detox diet, and the longer the diet, the more changes and healing that will take place.  As you rid your body of pollutants and toxins some of the benefits that you may notice right away include:
-Increased energy
-Improved circulation
-Improved digestion
-Clearer skin
-Weight loss
-Improved sleep
-Clarity and improved concentration
-Feelings of euphoria or well-being
You may also notice some interesting sensations in the body and mind while dieting.  It is my feeling, and only makes sense, that the more toxins you put in your body daily, the more you will experience interesting or difficult side effects in the beginning days of your detox.  The good news is that these seemingly negative feelings are really positive, it means your body is being cleaned and restored!  Some effects may include:  Headaches, tingling sensations in the body, mood swings (usually only in the first couple of days), anxiety or restlessness (this is when I choose yoga or meditation), dizziness or lightheadedness and insomnia.  Be assured that these feelings are temporary, and are all a part of the process - it is the storm before the calm!  You are not going to lose your mind, crawl out of your skin, or wither away to nothing.  You will, however, feel challenged and very much alive and come out of the experience with a whole new idea of what eating and fueling your body means to you.  
I encourage you begin thinking and planning your detox in the upcoming weeks.  With autumn around the corner, a detox diet might be the perfect way to end your summer!  
~One Body, One Life~