This is a great gift for anyone on your list. After reading through this alphabetized produce book that highlights the important qualities of many fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and herbs as well as how to use them in recipes, you will feel confident in any produce aisle.
Consider buying a share in a local, organic, co-op (or CSA, community supported agriculture) farm. Most every city has them and they are a wonderful. You can pick your own produce each week, help on the farm if that's your thing, or just pick up your weekly selection of fresh fruits and vegetables at a designated location. You'll not only save money doing this, you'll also be sure that you're getting the freshest produce around and doing your part for our beautiful environment by staying local! Here is a link to get you started
I can't say enough about this product or this company. Organic, gluten free, Keeki products are wonderful for adults and kids alike. Another helpful link to the website to get you there faster!
I am a huge fan of all of the SmartWool products - warm and comfortable! Check them out.
The VitaMix blender. I can't say enough about this product. I use it everyday at least once a day, most often 2-3 times. Great for smoothies, sauces, blending, chopping - you name it, this blender does it!
A lavender eye pillow. My sweet husband bought me one last Christmas and I love the ritual of putting it over my eyes and smelling the fragrant, relaxing lavender before falling asleep. This particular pillow is eco-delicious and I wish I knew the name of it to share with you. I don't, but that doesn't mean you can't be savvy enough to search the internet to find one for yourself or a loved one.
~One Body, One Life~