As we all know, life is full of surprises and we never quite know what is lurking around the next bend. Creating a harmonious flow of balance in our lives helps sustain our strength and moves us gracefully through daily challenges. Here are some simple and manageable ways to create more balance in your life starting today!
Create a personal, happy place in your home. This is a place that allows you to feel whatever you are needing more of - relaxation, creativity, energy. I have two spaces like this in my home. One is my exercise, meditation area. I love this space - from the color, to the natural sunlight coming into the room. There is always music playing and there seems to be an abundance of positive energy flowing through this room. In my work/create area, I bought a beautiful antique table that came from Italy with a lot of history. Again, this space has natural sunlight coming in all day and I try to keep the area free of clutter. Neither of these spaces is very large because what really matters is that I created the spaces to suit my needs and in them I am inspired, creative, energetic and happy.
Say goodbye to the toxic relationships in your life. Feel good about this, not only are you releasing yourself from the stress of a demanding relationship, but you are helping the other person to move on as well. People are brought to us during our lives for different reasons and not necessarily for the long haul. Accept that and move on if you find yourself in a friendship that continually leaves your feeling frustrated, angry or sad.
p.s. spouses are the exception to this - consider counseling before moving on.
Remain thankful. This can be difficult during challenging times, but is so rewarding when remembered. Giving thanks, whether it's to the universe or to God, for all of the blessings that come your way is a humbling and enlightening experience. When you can look at your life on a bad day and say "thank you for the lessons in this" or "thank you for believing that I have the strength to take on these challenges" it is truly amazing how your day changes. Where your thoughts are is where you will be.

Choose your battles. Whether it's with your boss, kids, friends, spouse, partner...choosing what battles are worth debating is key to staying in balance. Not every issue is worth a conversation or argument. Anyone who knows me, knows that this is difficult for me. I am an energetic aries, and more often than not, the ram in me comes out. I have to work hard to remember that my way is not always the best way for everyone. I have learned to stop and ask myself "how much does this really affect me and my day?" Taking all of the ego out of the equation is tough stuff! Another question I find myself asking is, " will the person involved be happier if I give in, or let this go?" If the answer is yes and my day can go on peacefully then it's worth the consession.
Find your meditation. This is different for everyone. Some people find solace in yoga or running, some, an actual meditation or prayer practice. Find your meditation. What is it that you do that allows you to feel restored? For me it is all of the above. There are days I need one more than the other so that is what I do. On cold winter days it may be as simple as 30 minutes in a hot sauna or steam room. Take this time for yourself, you need and deserve it - there is nothing sexy about being a martyr.
Simplify. Having an over abundance of material *things* taking up space in your life leaves less room for clarity. Keep the things that have meaning and sell or donate the things that do not. Clean out closets, especially this time of year and take extra cold weather gear to local shelters or the Salvation Army. Ask yourself this question as you go through your things, "can someone else who needs this benefit more than my wanting this?"
There are many ways to create and keep balance in your life, these are just a few. But...
there are also days that, no matter how hard you try, you are going to feel out of balance or just a little "off". On these days consider this as your mantra "keep calm and carry on".
Have a beautifully balanced day today!
~One Body, One LIfe~