28 September, 2010

Week Thirty: Sexy People Eat Sexy Food

What is sexy?  Is it the clothes we wear?  Is it a certain body type?  Is sexy a state of mind?  This is such a personal question that I know if I ask ten people I will likely hear ten different answers, but I still like the question.  And more than liking the question, I like my answer - sexy people eat sexy food.  Yes, I believe that sexy people eat sexy food.  I have spent hours talking with people about food, observing people when they food shop, and when they eat.  All of these observations and conversations have me convinced that the sexiest people are the people who eat the sexiest food.  
What Sexy Is Not (necessarily)...
Sexy is not tight buns and big...biceps.  Sexy is not sweating in the gym day after day to build bigger, stronger muscles.  Sexy is not running/walking mile after mile each week to stay thin.  Sexy is not starving your body.  Sexy is not skinny.  Sexy is not fat.  Sexy is not eating a McDonald's hamburger "for the protein", and certainly not for the taste.
What Is Sexy...
Sexy is confidence.  Sexy is taking time to care for the body, and the mind (hint: this is the reason we women adore our male yoga gurus).  Sexy is engaging in new challenges.  Sexy is not being afraid of change.  Sexy is people eating, growing and buying sexy food.
What Sexy Food Is Not...  
Sexy food does not come from mass farming where animals are treated poorly, injected with hormones, *grown* in cages and in poor living conditions.  Sexy food is not factory made food.  Sexy food is not food sprayed with poison so it can *look* perfect.  Sexy food is not artificial and preserved.  Sexy food is not several courses of an expensive dinner.  Sexy food is not a meal after a meal, that which we call dessert.
What Is Sexy Food...
Sexy food is what we consume because we care about ourselves and our planet, the very same planet that we want our children's children to thrive on.  Sexy food tastes delicious because it's fresh and grown naturally.  Sexy food is raised humanely and kindly.  Sexy food is a morsel of something sweet, just a taste.  Sexy food is disease preventative not disease causing.  Sexy food is grown on a vine, tree or in the ground - harvested each season with care by real people, on real farms.  Sexy food is often scratched, bumped, bruised and delicious exactly that way.
Yes, I know that sexy people eat sexy food because this is what people tell me.  They tell me when they feel their best, their most confident, their sexiest and it's when they are at their healthiest.  I hope you can find your sexy food and that you love it as much as I think you will.
~One Body, One Life~

20 September, 2010

Week Twenty-Nine: Super Easy & Delicious Smoothie Recipes

Enjoy these tried and true smoothie recipes that my family (yes, kids too!)  enjoy daily.  These are basic recipes that I have played with and perfected.  Of course everyone's taste buds are different, so add your favorite fruits or vegetables to create a smoothie that you love!  

Breakfast or Dessert - You Choose 

2 Young Thai Coconuts - water and meat
4 Bananas
6 Large Strawberries
1/4 Cup Agave Nectar
1/3 Cup  Cacao Powder
2 Tsp Soy Lecithin (optional)
Small Handful Ice
Blend and Enjoy!
Makes approximately 4 drinks

Strawberry Banana Milkshake

5 Large Strawberries
6 oz Milk (non-dairy alternatives work well too-soy, almond, rice...)
1 banana
Splash of Agave Nectar
1 tsp Soy Lecithin (optional)
Small Handful Ice
Blend and Enjoy!
Makes Approximately 2 drinks

Manic Mondays No More Smoothie
2-3 Cups Spinach
8 oz Grapefruit Juice
2 Stalks of Celery
2 tsp Lemon Juice
2 Apples
1 Banana
Blend and Enjoy!
Makes approximately 3-4 drinks

Terrible Tuesdays Be Gone Smoothie
2-3 Cups Spinach
8 oz Filtered Water
Fresh Peeled Ginger, 3 inch piece
1 Apple
1 Banana
Small Handful of Grapes
Blend and Enjoy!
Makes Approximately 2-3 drinks

Never A Better Hump Day Smoothie
2-3 Cups Spinach
2 Small (or 1 Large) Cucumbers (skins and all)
2 Apples
2 Peaches
8 oz Grapefruit Juice
Blend and Enjoy!
Makes Approximately 3-4 drinks

~One Body, One Life~

15 September, 2010

Week Twenty-Eight: Core Work

Core is a buzz word that we've been hearing for a while in the fitness world - strengthen the core, core is important, it's all about core work.  Those are all true statements, however the question becomes do we really know why it's important and do we really know the proper ways to strengthen our core?  
As I train more and more people, I realize how misguided we are about core workouts and the importance of properly developing the two core areas of our body.  Yes, we actually have two core areas - an outer layer and an inner layer.  The outer layer is the more popular, the one that most of us work on by attending those 10-15 minute core classes or workouts a few times each week.  These are the muscles that give us a flat stomach, or better yet that 6-pack appearance.  Most of us are well versed in this area and if not, just pick up a fitness magazine.
The other area is the inner core.  These are the smaller muscles that surround the spine and low back.  They keep us standing tall and keep us from collapsing.  This is our balance and stability center, our lift, reach, twist and turn center.  Our inner core is a place that cannot afford weakness, and one that we tend to ignore mostly because we are unaware of its importance.  Seldom do I hear people talk about wanting a strong back and strong inner core for balance and stability reasons - people generally want what looks good over what is functional and what feels good (sort of like women's shoes).  However, the benefits of developing a functional and strong core are tremendous for everyone, including the aging person wanting to stand tall and remain balanced, to athletes of all ages and abilities wanting to improve their sport.  Strengthening the inner core keeps us free of back pain, gives us good posture, quickness, stability, balance and coordination.
Working on inner core exercises ignites the core muscles that we need to keep our posture in line.  This is a two way street (good news!) as working on our posture and form also improves the inner core muscles.  The simple acts of proper posture while standing and sitting tall activates our inner core muscles.  When you are at your desk be sure to sit tall. Think of how a child sits, usually perched on the edge of their seat, sitting very straight with shoulders back, tummy's tucked and low back muscles activated.  They are utilizing all of those vital core muscles while maintaining good posture.  These are the same principles we should use while standing, and some simple things you can do to start working those muscles.  To get a more thorough inner core workout, check with a fitness professional who can guide you through balance and stability work in each exercise session.

A good fitness trainer will work on core muscles throughout a workout session by incorporating a range of movements that utilize the inner and outer core muscles.  They will also give verbal ques that remind you to activate the core continuously as you work.  This not only helps strengthen those inner and outer layers of muscle, but it helps keep you safe as you use good form and proper posture while performing the exercises. Yoga is a fabulous way to increase core strength, stability and balance, as are Pilates classes.  I am always hesitant to recommend home dvd workouts as I know a number of people who have strained muscles, back muscles in particular, while working out at home in front of the TV.  If you are a dvd workout fan, my advice is to be sure that you feel confident with proper form before attempting to workout alone,  nobody wants to be that person yelling, "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!"

Make it your goal to improve your core over the next few months.  I guarantee that you will feel a new lease on life as you run, lift, twist and turn pain free and with ease.  You may even see that 6-pack.  Good luck and keep up the hard work that it takes to remain healthy and balanced - nothing feels better!
~One Body, One Life~