52 Weeks to a Healthier You. A year's worth of exercise and eating tips for you to enjoy...or not.
20 July, 2010
Week Twenty-Five: Days 5,6,7,8 and 9
The weekend was a whirlwind - kids, baseball, friends and all of the fun that summer holds. I did well on my detox despite the busyness and temptations thrown my way. The point where I thought I might cave was only slightly torturous. That I can say, "no thank you" to a margarita on hot summer day or "thanks, but maybe another time soon " to girlfriends trying to kidnap me for the night, is completely empowering. Empowering, because I normally engage in all of the fun that life offers and my commitment to the cleanse was stronger than the fun. I am two days away from finishing, and I'm feeling great. My son just dropped an Atomic Fireball on my desk, how sweet. He knows I occasionally love them. I really want to eat it right now. It is the little things like this that make a detox tough. Would it really hurt me to have it? No, but the experience of my detox would be compromised as would the experience of enjoying my few and far between candy indulgences (guilt).
Two days to go and I should start planning how to go back to a regular diet. Will I have my coffee again? I am doing fine without it, and just stopped missing it. I am not a big caffeine junkie so I could go either way. If a cup or two of coffee in the morning isn't a big deal and I enjoy it, than why quit, right? On the other hand, if I feel just as good without it, and it's one less thing to "depend" on in my routine, than why complicate life with something I don't need? Will I automatically opt for a green smoothie breakfast or go back to my favorite oatmeal topped with goji berries, breakfast? When I began the detox I did not fully consider that some of the changes from the ten days might become permanent. My feeling is that I will begin eating and drinking some of my favorite foods and drinks again and see how I feel. Truth be told, I am already a pretty clean eater and unless I overindulge, I feel great. This detox was more about giving my body a rest from all impurities and toxins and experiencing how that feels for more than just a couple of days and whether or not I could actually sustain it in the middle of a busy, social, summer. It has not been all easy, or fun, but I am doing it, and am almost done!
~One Body, One Life~