12 November, 2010

Week Thirty Six: Having Fun? Meet Kris Carr.

Kris Carr inspired me so much in her recent post that I just had to share it with you all. There are so many amazing messages in this vlog so be open and listen closely. This woman inspires me personally, not always with her information as I know much of that already, but with her fun factor.  Anyone who can take a diagnosis of cancer, turn it into a gift and share it with the world - all while having fun - is a genius.  Kris you are a gift - thank you!
~one body, one life~

07 November, 2010

Week Thirty Five: Improve Your Sleep

Along with being chronically dehydrated, most of us suffer from lack of sleep.  When you sleep your body restores cells and rejuvenates energy levels.  Sleep also allows your mind to find resolution to many of the day's problems, keeping you in balance. Here are some tips to consider if you are one of the many people who have difficulty getting a good night's rest.
-Exercise in the morning or afternoon, not within three hours of going to bed.  
-Make sure your exercise has you breathing heavy, this ensures that your heart is getting a good workout (doctor approved, of course)  and that  all of those good, healthy endorphins are being released.
-Try meditation to reduce any stress that may have you tossing and turning at night.  Even 5-10 minutes can be helpful.
-Keep a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time everyday.  
-Stay hydrated.
-Eat a healthy diet and stop eating at least 2 hours before bedtime.
-Keep electronics and all light out of the bedroom.
-Try a white noise machine.
-If you watch TV or read before bed, make sure it is low stress and pleasing to you.  Save the news and action shows for earlier in the day.
-Try herbal teas that help stimulate sleep.  There are many calming teas on the market.
-Watch your caffeine and alcohol intake, both known to have adverse effects on a healthy sleep cycle.
-Are you getting too much sleep?  Most adults only need between 6 and 8 hours of sleep a night.  If you find yourself needing naps on a regular basis consider having a professional look at your diet and exercise regime.  
-Sitting all day can leave you feeling tired.  If you have a desk job take a few minutes every hour to get up, stretch, walk and keep your blood circulating.  This is also a good time to drink a glass of water.
-Mental stress is draining and can make you more tired than even physical stress.  Consider the stress in your life and how you can reduce it, enlisting the help of a professional if necessary.  
-Try a little nookie (yes, sex) with your partner,  for a nighttime stress reliever and help falling asleep.
I hope you all remembered to turn those clocks back last night and that you enjoyed an extra hour of sleep!  
~One Body, One Life~