25 August, 2010

Week Twenty-Seven: We know why,now learn how to Detox

You should have a well thought out plan when preparing for a detox.  It takes a couple of weeks, up to a month, to mentally prepare and logistically organize for this time.  Below are some helpful steps in planning your future detox.

1.  Why do I want to detox/cleanse?  List your reasons for wanting to take on this challenge.  
2.  For how long do I want to detox?  Decide what you realistically think you can handle.  Three days, five days, ten days?  I don't recommend more than ten days for your first time, unless you are extremely disciplined.   I have talked with people who have detoxed up to 21 days on the Master Cleanse (a tough detox) their first time.   They felt very successful although there were days that they disengaged from the diet.  It's okay to backslide as long as you prepare for it, and are willing to get back on the horse!
3.  Research detox options and choose one that works for you.  You may have a friend or neighbor that has detoxed in the past - ask their advice!
4.  Tell your family and friends of your plan.  You will need support and encouragement.
5.  Buy all necessary detox items a week or so in advance.  If your detox includes any food, such as a RAW food detox, prepare your menu in advance according to your schedule.  
6.  Be careful not to psych yourself out of detoxing.  I compare the detox prep to that of preparing for a race, it's very easy to let your nerves get the best of you.  It's only a detox and it's only food that you are giving up, and for a relatively short amount of time.  Savor the experience - that is what life is all about, experiences!
7.  Be sure to drink ample amounts of water while detoxing.  Your body needs the water to flush the toxins out of your system.
8.  Be prepared to rest your body from heavy exercise.  I am always a little surprised when people admit that they don't detox for fear of giving up their exercise.  Your body will be much better off from the detox and will not suffer from the lack of normal exercise.  Mentally however, you will have to prepare for this.  For those who are cardio junkies, no worries, if properly prepared for your detox, you will not miss the adrenaline rush.  In fact you may find that the feelings of euphoria that you experience during your detox are more enjoyable, or equal to, the endorphins you experience during exercise!
9.  It is okay to engage in light exercise such as yoga, walking or light jogging.  
10.  You most likely will not feel very social during this time, prepare for this.  This is a nice time to disengage from normal activity and to evaluate your life.  Journal your time and you may just be amazed at the clarity and creativity that comes from this time of solitude.
11.  Consider detoxing with a friend or spouse - you know the old adage, misery loves company.  Okay, kidding about that last part, but it is helpful to have the support of someone who is going through the same feelings as you.
12.  Be sure to take extra fiber or laxatives of some sort.  Your body will need this to help clean out your digestive tract.  Clearly you will want to prepare for this process - timing is everything here!  For instance you will not want to drink laxative tea just before a long car ride or a trip to the grocery store.  
Below are *just a few* forms of detoxing for you to think about.  Pick one that works for you or make up your own.  There is no right or wrong way to detox.  The key is to eliminate toxins from your body! 
1.  Consult your health food store for detox options they may sell.
2.  Give up processed foods, salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol.
3.  A RAW foods diet.
4.  The Master Cleanse.
5.  Go meat and dairy free.
6.  Go alcohol and caffeine free.
Not only is it important that you give up toxins in your food while detoxing, but in the products you use on your body as well.  Most all beauty products (hair, make-up, personal hygiene) contain toxic ingredients that are absorbed into the body through the skin.  Research shows that many prevalent diseases of our generation may be the result of these toxins.  
1.  Consider wearing only natural fibers.
2.  Use organic beauty products that have the least amount of ingredients.  Do your research or ask your health food store consultant.
3.  Use an air purifier in your home.
4.  Use natural, environmentally healthy cleaning and laundry products.  They are all readily available in supermarkets and health food stores.  
5.  Use natural fiber bedding - your eight hours of sleep should be chemical free.
The bottom line is that any time you eliminate toxins of any sort from your body, you are giving your liver and  digestive tract a well deserved break - a break that with any luck will result in healthy lifestyle changes for you and your family.  I hope you are seriously considering a detox, and that during the entire process you embrace and enjoy all of the beautiful changes that take place in your mind and body.  You deserve to feel your best in this one life that we have to live!  Good luck.
~One Body, One Life~

17 August, 2010

Week Twenty-Six: Why Detox?

One of my favorite quotes was said by Thomas Edison, "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."  A detoxification diet or cleanse is a step in the right direction toward disease prevention, and a fabulous way to begin a healthier lifestyle.  
Deciding to take on a detox diet is a process.  The first step in the process is deciding why you want to detox, what is your purpose?  It is wise to make a list of the reasons you personally want to detox before choosing one of the many options available.  Some of the reasons people choose to detox or cleanse are the following:
-Jump start weight loss
-Quit drinking caffeine and/or alcohol
-Take diet/lifestyle to the next level
-Help create awareness of dietary addictions
-Eliminate sugar
-Eliminate toxins from major organs (colon, liver, pancreas)
-Eliminate yeast and inflammation from the body
-Become aware of potential food allergies
Once you have a clear purpose, you can then choose the duration of your detox.  This is going to depend on your work and personal life schedule, and the time of year.  Be careful not to set yourself up for failure by attempting your first detox in the midst of a hectic time in your life.  For your first detox, I recommend a shorter duration, five to ten days.  As you learn to detox, you will better understand the changes that your body goes through and can then adjust the length of time for future diets. 
There are many benefits to a detox diet, and the longer the diet, the more changes and healing that will take place.  As you rid your body of pollutants and toxins some of the benefits that you may notice right away include:
-Increased energy
-Improved circulation
-Improved digestion
-Clearer skin
-Weight loss
-Improved sleep
-Clarity and improved concentration
-Feelings of euphoria or well-being
You may also notice some interesting sensations in the body and mind while dieting.  It is my feeling, and only makes sense, that the more toxins you put in your body daily, the more you will experience interesting or difficult side effects in the beginning days of your detox.  The good news is that these seemingly negative feelings are really positive, it means your body is being cleaned and restored!  Some effects may include:  Headaches, tingling sensations in the body, mood swings (usually only in the first couple of days), anxiety or restlessness (this is when I choose yoga or meditation), dizziness or lightheadedness and insomnia.  Be assured that these feelings are temporary, and are all a part of the process - it is the storm before the calm!  You are not going to lose your mind, crawl out of your skin, or wither away to nothing.  You will, however, feel challenged and very much alive and come out of the experience with a whole new idea of what eating and fueling your body means to you.  
I encourage you begin thinking and planning your detox in the upcoming weeks.  With autumn around the corner, a detox diet might be the perfect way to end your summer!  
~One Body, One Life~